Growing great trees is our business. It is the one thing that we do, and we do it well. The only trees that we sell… are the trees that we would buy ourselves. We inspect our tree inventory regularly, and remove any trees from our growing operation that we would not buy ourselves.
Our best advice to anyone wondering about the quality of our trees is to read our website about the level of care and attention that we give to growing healthy trees. Al of our trees receive the high level of attention. Our customers have also written many 5 Star Reviews of what they have experienced as good customers, and buyers of our trees.
We focus on growing trees with strong, robust root systems. If the buyer properly plants their trees immediately upon receiving them, adds good soil amendments and fertilizer, and waters properly and regularly, our trees are exceptionally well-prepared to grow well. Our trees are a real success story… ready to happen for you.
Once our trees are delivered to the customer, we no longer have any control over their care, watering and survivability. Please understand that the buyer is fully 100% responsible for their ongoing care, watering, and survival.
We do all of the hard work for you in advance by growing great tree specimens, developing superior root systems and adding the expensive proprietary nutrients to our new seedlings that benefit all of our Brandywine Trees grown trees’ long-term health, development, and growth.
Once the trees are delivered, watering is the most critical aspect once the trees are properly planted. We recommend throughout the spring, summer and fall months that newly planted trees be watered 2-3 times a week. You will need to gauge how the trees are adapting, and can adjust the watering frequency based upon that.
Proper planting is critical as well. Planting in wet or heavy clay soils without amending the soil with a good compost is going to be detrimental to any tree’s good growth, health, and survival. Please do your research, and if you have questions please ask.
Adding 3″- 4″ of mulch above the planted rootball immediately after planting will do so much good for your trees’ growth and health. Mulch is critical to keeping high moisture at the roots where it is needed, keeps the hot sun from baking the roots, and protects the tender roots from drying out. Mulching is extremely important!
We strongly recommend that any wet or heavy clay planting locations be well amended with a lighter compost to break up the clay soil, and allow tree roots to grow better.
We are always available to help. Please see our planting recommendations!
We don’t just sell trees… We grow great trees! ™