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All Trees
This is a mid spring blooming, moderate-growing Magnolia with beautiful flowers. Plant with protection from harsh winds and enjoy this gorgeous tree! It is a beautiful beckoning welcome to spring
Native Trees
A fast growing native American variety of Oak known for its bright red fall color. The Quercus rubra or Northern Red Oak is an excellent and very popular wildlife and native tree with many positive attributes including its fast growth, water tolerance, shade production and wildlife food for deer, squirrels, and wild turkey.
Shade Trees
Prunus virginiana 'Canada Red' Chokeberry is a fast growing smaller native shade tree full of colorful red/ burgundy leaves, which is a great contrast to the many green leafed trees. The abundant small fruits are also red, and are a favorite of songbirds.
All Trees
A beautiful alternative to the Japanese Maple tree, and a great addition to any landscape. The Korean Maple has beautiful green leaves that turn red and yellow in the spring and fall. This colorful tree specimen is part of the Maple family and has gorgeous spring, summer, and fall leaf color. The Acer pseudosieboldianum is a very worthy tree to add to any fine, or rare tree collection.
Native Trees
Amelanchier grandiflora, 'Autumn Brilliance'is a great native specimen producing white spring flowers and awesome fall colors for its multi-season display. These grow to 15' - 20' and are taller than wide. We grow single trunk specimens, but do have some multi-trunk as well. The Amelanchier looks great as a solo tree, or as part of a multi-specimen design. These are a truly very nice tree/ shrub and are fascination to see up close throughout the seasons. Autumn Brilliance puts on one of the best fall color displays of all of the serviceberry trees. It is a beautiful native flowering tree, and the birds love the berries that display in May/ June. It is a hard-to-find tree, and is also valuable as a wildlife tree because it attracts songbirds. It is also called June Berry, and has become one of our favorites.
All Trees
Japanese Zelkovia is a hardy and easy to prune and train tree that deserves more interest. It is very tough and has beautiful furrowed leaves. It tends to be vase shaped especially with some early pruning. An excellent tree specimen!
All Trees
The swamp white oak has greater tolerance to wet areas and displays really beautiful multi-color leaves in the fall that are unique and inspiring. This is a beautiful tree to be seen and is native to USDA zones 3 - 9.
Flowering Trees
Magnolia denudata, "Yulan Magnolia" is a highly revered tree in Asia, and is treasured for its beautiful goblet shaped white flowers and striking red summer fruits. Because of its rarity and the limited supply, we limit ONE Yulan Magnolia specimen per order, please.