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River Birch, 'Heritage'is a special cultivar with white and peach colored exfoliating bark.  Please note that we sell the single trunk version only and these particular trees can grow up to 3' - 4' per year.  They are hardy, more resistant to insects and disease, are well adapted to wet soils, and are fast growing. They also provide some screening with their branching.


The American Sycamore tree is a great American native tree known for its majestic size, and multi-color bark. It is a much loved tree with great historic interest, and has strong winter and all season appeal. The Sycamore tree is a large beautiful fast growing shade tree commonly seen along stream banks and in low areas.  It does need regular moisture to establish itself. American Sycamore trees are often grown in tree lines to create impressive lines of the majestic trees. This year's crop is growing very straight and are quite amazing. Customers considering these trees should buy now.  Highly recommended tree!

Brandywine Trees