Forsythia suspensa is an upright, arching, deciduous shrub that puts on an outstanding display of spring yellow color. What we like most about this specimen is that it can be grown as an upright vase shaped flowering shrub similar to a crapemyrtle, which makes it a highly distintive and outstanding landscape specimen. It typically grows 6-10′ tall and as wide, but weeping branches may be trained on a support structure to grow somewhat taller as a woody vine. Golden 4-petaled flowers appear in profusion before the foliage in late winter to early spring, and it is one of the earliest blooming shrubs… a true harbinger of spring. Opposite, serrate, ovate, simple to trifoliate, medium green leaves (to 4″ long). This species is native to China and is one of the parents of the popular Forsythia x intermedia hybrids. USDA zones 5-9
Forsythia suspensa, ‘Weeping Forsythia’
A more vertical vase shaped forsythia that provides an outstanding spring display in a unique and different shape
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