Small gardens, roof top gardens, and city gardens need small trees. Our select group of smaller rare and hard-to-find trees are highly desirable! They grow to a height of less than 15 -20 feet, and are very beautiful trees.
Small Trees
Acer buergerianum 'Trident Maple' is a fascinating smaller maple known for its multi-colored leaves. It holds on to its leaves until November/ December and puts on a brilliant fall display of color. Although it is a smaller and very hardy tree, it has a nice dense canopy of leaves that provide some privacy aspects especially since the leaves are retained through November & December.
All Trees
Green Japanese Maples are beautiful and under-rated. They may even be more hardy than the red's.
All Trees
A beautiful alternative to the Japanese Maple tree, and a great addition to any landscape. The Korean Maple has beautiful green leaves that turn red and yellow in the spring and fall. This colorful tree specimen is part of the Maple family and has gorgeous spring, summer, and fall leaf color. The Acer pseudosieboldianum is a very worthy tree to add to any fine, or rare tree collection.
Native Trees
Amelanchier grandiflora, 'Autumn Brilliance'is a great native specimen producing white spring flowers and awesome fall colors for its multi-season display. These grow to 15' - 20' and are taller than wide. We grow single trunk specimens, but do have some multi-trunk as well. The Amelanchier looks great as a solo tree, or as part of a multi-specimen design. These are a truly very nice tree/ shrub and are fascination to see up close throughout the seasons. Autumn Brilliance puts on one of the best fall color displays of all of the serviceberry trees. It is a beautiful native flowering tree, and the birds love the berries that display in May/ June. It is a hard-to-find tree, and is also valuable as a wildlife tree because it attracts songbirds. It is also called June Berry, and has become one of our favorites.
Flowering Trees
Cherokee Princess dogwood is a very desirable flowering white dogwood. It is a hardier variant of the straight native species, and has better disease resistance. It puts on a fantastic display of white flowers, and is highly recommended!
Flowering Trees
Scarlet Fire Dogwood has become one of the growing industries best pink dogwoods known for its disease resistance, deep pink color, and long bloom time! It is a 'patented' scarlet red flowering dogwood that is a beautiful sight to see. The Scarlet Fire Dogwood is a deep Pink and flowers last 3 - 4 weeks in May/June. These are smaller dogwoods growing up to 10' - 12', but are real performers with their gorgeous pink flowers. Because of the limited supply and its rarity, we limit ONE Scarlet Fire specimen per order, please.
Flowering Trees
Stellar Pink Dogwood is an outstanding Pink Flowering dogwood that is a vigorous grower with many healthy attributes. This is one of our favorite Dogwoods because of its growth habit and how healthy these trees are. This specimen is a cross between the Cornus florida and Kousa dogwood. Stellar Pink Dogwood is in high demand, and hard-to-find. It has beautiful plum, deep maroon color leaves in the fall that hold on until winter. A highly recommended Pink Dogwood!
Specialty Trees
With an intense red & purple color, the Red Dragon variation is extremely unique and sure to turn heads in any landscape.
Specialty Trees
Golden Spirit Smoke tree is an amazing and hard-to-find specimen with beautiful lime green summer foliage and amazing fall color. This specimen catches everyone's attention for brilliant lime green color all summer long and delivers gorgeous fall colors!
Flowering Trees
Red Rocket (Lagerstroemia indica 'Whit VI') is a very special variety of Crape myrtle that produces deep wine red leaves in the spring and summer which then change to dark purplish green, providing a striking contrast to its vibrant Red late summer flowers. Red Rocket is a very colorful and fast growing crape myrtle that can grow 3' - 5' per year. It has a vase shaped multi-stem growth habit and is known for its beautiful red flowers that start appearing in July through September. It is a very popular tree, and is valued for its late summer color.
Flowering Trees
A precocious bloomer displaying very large 12" fragrant flowers in June. This is a dwarf variety of the straight macrophylla, aka Big Leaf Magnolia. It is a magnificent dwarf tree to be seen by all. These are luscious and extravagant dwarf trees to have in any garden. Even when not in bloom, the large leaves give an exotic look to add another dimension to your garden.
All Trees
This is a mid spring blooming, moderate-growing Magnolia with beautiful flowers. Plant with protection from harsh winds and enjoy this gorgeous tree! It is a beautiful beckoning welcome to spring
Privacy Trees
Schip Laurels are a highly desirable and fast-growing evergreen hedge shrub that can provide instant privacy and beauty. They become an exceptional hedge and provide instant Privacy! We are one of a very few local growers who actually grow Schip Laurels in this area, and we are proud of how green and succulent our specimens are. Although we do ship in larger 5'+ specimens, our younger locally grown Pennsylvania specimens are outstanding. Order Now, and we can generally deliver and plant within one to two weeks! Email, or Call us. These are very popular, and will offer you privacy while other shrubs/ trees lose their leaves in the fall and winter... This is an excellent screening and privacy specimen that is lush, evergreen, and is a friendly privacy wall that adds year around beauty and will not offend any neighbor. Highly recommended! These Schip Laurel pictured above are approximately 5' tall.
Shade Trees
Prunus virginiana 'Canada Red' Chokeberry is a fast growing smaller native shade tree full of colorful red/ burgundy leaves, which is a great contrast to the many green leafed trees. The abundant small fruits are also red, and are a favorite of songbirds.
Flowering Trees
Royal Star Magnolia is an exceptional early flowering tree with larger and more showy flowers than the straight species, and they are also fragrant. Royal Star Magnolia is a highly sought after magnolia variety, and is a very welcome and inspiring sight in early spring. These are hard-to-find trees, and are a treasure for those fortunate enough to have them growing at their property.
Flowering Trees
A dwarf lilac that is very fragrant and blooms heavily in the spring.