We have an excellent selection and many trees available in quantity for Spring, Summer and Fall Planting now… with minimal price changes for 2025!
New Tree introductions that we are very excited about… Two of these are tall and narrow Columnar trees that are architectural trees or trees that fit a unique vertical role in landscape design.
Give someone you care about some trees. Trees are a gift of Life!
We now offer Holiday Gift Cards to give to others in multiple denominations! You can find them in multiple tree categories in our Tree Catalog.
Schip Laurels will be in stock end of March 2025! These are very full 4′ – 5′ tall, and we have a lot right now! Be an Early Bird… and Get the Pick of the Litter now! Yes, we deliver…
‘Slender Silhouette’ Sweetgum is only a 4′ wide tree and grows up to 35′ tall. It is generally planted to create that breathtaking aerial tree design for the upscale landscape design.
“Kindred Spirit” Oak is a beautiful columnar Oak that grows tall and narrow for those limited spaces. Hard-to-find and highly recommended.
Armstrong Maple is another new columnar tree introduction that offers that aerial privacy statement tree that is highly desirable and hard to find.
In addition, we have the ‘October Glory’ Red Maple which is also highly desirable for its beautiful orange to brilliant red fall color that appears later in the season. The October Glory plus the “Autumn Blaze” Maple are perfect pairs to extend a beautiful fall color display.
We Have introduced our new “Mega Roots” Green Giants that grow faster and have a fuller shape than the traditional tree.
These Mega Roots trees have thousands of feeder roots that enable the trees to absorb more water and nutrients faster. More roots means faster growth!
These particular trees are available in 5′ – 6′ sizes.
We have the highly rated Green Giant arborvitae in 8′ sizes in stock, plus we will have the Schip Laurel in 4′ – 5′ size, and the 5′ – 6′ sizes.
*** We have some other outstanding tree specimens available also.
Katsura – Cercidphyllum japonicum – Eye catching leaf colors and fast growing fragrant shade tree
American Sycamore – Platanus occidentalis – An outstanding American native tree that is a fast grower, and great large shade tree.
Autumn Blaze – A fast grower… and Beautiful Red Maple leaves in the fall!
October Glory Maple – A fast grower… and another Maple with Beautiful Red, Orange Maple leaves in the later fall!
American Dogwood Tree – Cornus florida – a favorite spring white flowering tree! These are full 4′ – 5”+ specimens that will sell out quickly. We grow two outstanding varieties – Stellar Pink and Cherokee White Princess (Plant now for spring flowers.)
Sweetbay Magnolia – Magnolia virginiana- Fragrant beautiful flowers May through July, and it is a Native tree!
Akebono Tree – A close relative of the Yoshino that some think flowers better, and is more resistant to the occasional cherry maladies.
Ironwood – Parrotia persica – A gorgeous tree for all four seasons! We have a few large specimens remaining.
We now have Gift cards available to purchase and give trees to others. You can order online and email a nice gift certificate to your recipient. You can access them under any tree category.
If you are serious about buying Great Trees in quantity, we would be happy to discuss by phone with you to answer any questions…