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Trees that attract wildlife including wild turkey, deer, pollinating bees, butterflies, and birds. This category primarily focuses on trees that attract and provide food. Some varieties such as the spruce, holly and a few other smaller dense trees also provide protective shelter and habitat for nesting birds.


Amelanchier grandiflora, 'Autumn Brilliance'is a great native specimen producing white spring flowers and awesome fall colors for its multi-season display.  These grow to 15' - 20' and are taller than wide. We grow single trunk specimens, but do have some multi-trunk as well.  The Amelanchier looks great as a solo tree, or as part of a multi-specimen design.  These are a truly very nice tree/ shrub and are fascination to see up close throughout the seasons. Autumn Brilliance puts on one of the best fall color displays of all of the serviceberry trees.  It is a beautiful native flowering tree, and the birds love the berries that display in May/ June. It is a hard-to-find tree, and is also valuable as a wildlife tree because it attracts songbirds.  It is also called June Berry, and has become one of our favorites.


River Birch, 'Heritage'is a special cultivar with white and peach colored exfoliating bark.  Please note that we sell the single trunk version only and these particular trees can grow up to 3' - 4' per year.  They are hardy, more resistant to insects and disease, are well adapted to wet soils, and are fast growing. They also provide some screening with their branching.


The Moonglow Magnolia is one of our favorite magnolias. It is a hard-to-find semi-evergreen retaining more than 50% of its leaves through the winter, and develops many flowering buds blooming June through August. It is a faster growing variety of Sweetbay Magnolia, and produces the same beautiful lemon scented flowers. This wonderful tree can be used as an all-season privacy tree to help block an undesirable view. The Moonglow Magnolia is also perfect for your outdoor living spaces.  It offers that exotic look along with the many luscious flowers, and a heavenly fragrance from May through August. This is the tree that everyone wants to see out their window full of lush green summer and mid-winter.  It is highly recommended!


Sweetbay Magnolia trees produce fragrant white flowers and brilliant red seed pods at the end of summer. This gorgeous tree is very fragrant and is a must-have for well designed landscapes! It blooms from May through July with beautiful white flowers that are so fragrant and just a constant reminder about the true beauty of nature. It is also a wildlife tree and attracts birds feeding on its red seeds in August and September.  These grow to good sized trees and a great value of beauty for the price.


The Magnolia virginiana, Australis is an outstanding and beautiful tree with many great qualities. The Magnolia virginiana, Australis is an evergreen tree that retains most of its green leaves throughout the winter. It produces fragrant white flowers from May through August, and is a wildlife tree producing seeds that birds devour when ripe. The Australis is fast growing and grows well in either sun or shade.  It is hard to find so many great qualities in one tree.


This is a mid spring blooming, moderate-growing Magnolia with beautiful flowers. Plant with protection from harsh winds and enjoy this gorgeous tree!  It is a beautiful beckoning welcome to spring


The Tupelo, Sour Gum, or Blackgum Tree is an American Native Tree.  It is a wetlands and wildlife tree that has fabulous fall color leaves well into November in zone 6. It is a medium to fast growing tree especially with regular fertilization.  It is a dioecious tree requiring both male and female of the species to fruit.  The small fruits mature to a dark blue and are attractive to birds and wildlife. This tree has spectacular scarlet fall color. The genus name comes from Nysa or Nyssa, one of the water nymphs. It is a great all around and hardy tree growing in zones 3 - 9, and handles wetlands and forested areas well.  


The Persian Ironwood is a hard-to-find and sought-after specimen tree with beautiful characteristics for all four seasons. Provides wonderful year around interest!


Prunus virginiana 'Canada Red' Chokeberry is a fast growing smaller native shade tree full of colorful red/ burgundy leaves, which is a great contrast to the many green leafed trees.  The abundant small fruits are also red, and are a favorite of songbirds.


The white oak is a stately native American tree that is an impressive tree for the larger landscape or estate. They are slower growing, but are a stately tree, and valuable native tree.


The swamp white oak has greater tolerance to wet areas and displays really beautiful multi-color leaves in the fall that are unique and inspiring.  This is a beautiful tree to be seen and is native to USDA zones 3 - 9.


A native American oak known for its straight vertical trunk and with its leaves with pointed leaf tips.  This is a fast growing and hardy native tree that also produces food for wildlife.  It tolerates wet soil and is a very handsome specimen whether planted alone or in groups.   We grow these trees with a single straight central trunk to become the signature specimen and shape that the Pin Oak is known for.


A fast growing native American variety of Oak known for its bright red fall color.  The Quercus rubra or Northern Red Oak is an excellent and very popular wildlife and native tree with many positive attributes including its fast growth, water tolerance, shade production and wildlife food for deer, squirrels, and wild turkey.


Thuja plicata, "Green Giant" arborvitae are exceptional trees.  They will give you your privacy, comfort, and your peace-of-mind back!  The Green Giant arborvitae is the best large privacy and screening tree. It screens the view, is evergreen all year long, is fragrant and is simply a wonderful tree.  Ask us how to plant and how many you will need to effectively give you and your family the privacy that you want and need.

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Brandywine Trees